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Partnership Returns

Even the strongest relationships can suffer in times of adversity. Good planning is an essential part of creating a successful business partnership. Our guides provide information on important aspects of your partnership, such as setting up a formal agreement and planning for the unexpected. It is essential to seek our advice with regard to partnerships matters.

Partnership agreements

Did you know that if you have no partnership agreement, then the provisions of the Partnership Act of 1890 apply? The framework provided by the Act is simple and straightforward, but does not address many of the complications of trading more than a century after it was passed.

The tax system for partnerships

If you form a partnership, you must register it separately with HM Revenue & Customs even if the partners have previously been self employed. If the partners are new to business, they must also register individually. Partnerships are registered with a dedicated HM Revenue & Customs partnership team, based at Longbenton near Newcastle.

An overview of limited liability partnerships

An LLP is a form of separate legal business entity that gives the benefits of limited liability but allows its members the flexibility of organising their internal structure as a traditional partnership. They are intended for businesses which carry on a trade or profession, and are particularly attractive to larger professional partnerships.

Raising finance for your business

Raising finance for businesses following the banking crisis is challenging to say the least. If you are thinking of expanding your business, or starting a new one, you will need to raise finance. What are your options?

Choosing your accounting date

The rules still allow businesses a free choice of accounting date. Under the current year basis, the taxable profit for a particular tax year is determined by the accounts that end in that year.

Tax and the company car

Details of how the tax system works with company cars.

Benefits in kind and expenses payments

Benefits in kind are assessed on all directors and employees whose salary and benefits combined are £8,500 or more. Remuneration by way of benefits is often attractive to employees, especially if they are paying the higher rate of income tax, because the benefit may either be tax free or subject to less tax.

Business deductions

In order to attract a deduction in computing the profits of a trade or business any expenses must be incurred wholly and exclusively for the purpose of the trade. Capital expenditure is not an allowable expense (capital allowances are claimed on these costs), and certain other expenses are barred by statute.

Claiming expenses – it’s all or nothing

The rules which determine what expenses can be deducted from profit for tax purposes are essentially the same whether you operate as a limited company, sole trader or partnership.

Interest and tax payments

HM Revenue & Customs charge interest on underpayments of tax, and pays interest (repayment supplement) on overpayments. The rate of interest paid on overpaid tax is lower than the rate charged on underpayments, and interest rates are adjusted in line with commercial interest rates.

Companies House – forms you need to know about

There are over 100 forms prescribed by the Companies Act 2006. We list below these and include a link to all the forms which can be downloaded direct from Companies House.

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