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SBS Winner Announcement

Small Business Sunday, shortened to the hashtag #SBS on Twitter, was created by Theo Paphitis in October 2010 and has not stopped growing in popularity. Each week Theo rewards six small businesses that tweet him (@TheoPaphitis) and describe their business in one tweet including the all-important hashtag #SBS. Only tweets made in the time slot between 5.00 PM and 7.30 PM each Sunday count.

Each week Theo reviews and chooses his favourite lucky six who are then re-tweeted from his account. As he has over 400,000 followers, this provides a massive boost to the chosen lucky businesses. As you can imagine the snow ball effect takes hold as other people also re-tweet the winning entries and then chat to you too. All of this leads to a massive increase in exposure and go get access to the exclusive #SBS winners club!


Our winning tweet was

@TheoPaphitis We’re not only number crunchers! We’re also a great resource for small biz & we look good in grey!

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